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Called to Feel God’s Heart
I’m writing this letter to you just two days after the unspeakable Manchester massacre occurred and its gut-wrenching images of children too-soon and so brutally gone continue to circle the globe. I am a Mom [...]
Ok, I'll confess...there is something extant in the Church today that riles my feathers and gives me chills like chalk on a chalkboard...it's the constant/prevailing reference by adults/leadership to the children and youth of today [...]
Pictures…? Picture This!
I know...I promised you pictures from Herrnhut. I'm sorry to say but, this one is "it!" Issues: I'm really lousy at taking pictures. Almost never remember to take them. I took what (for me) is [...]
What Must We “BE?”
WOO-HOO, BLESS GOD - OUR GUY IS BACK!! A big, "THANK YOU!" to everyone for their prayers for Bill. He's still giving the devil a fist in the face and your prayers are helping. Keep [...]