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Rejoice for He is Risen!
"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said..." (Mt. 28:6) Our hearts and spirits are with you and your families this month as we joyfully anticipate all of the ways the Church [...]
“T A C A M O !” “TACAMO is a military term meaning, “TAKE CHARGE AND MOVE OUT!”…its primary mission is to receive, verify and retransmit ”Emergency Action Messages” to US strategic forces. It communicates [...]
Stop Searching for a New Word!
“Stop searching for a new word.” Quite some time ago, ENI held an all-night prayer meeting at which we recited and came into agreement with the prayers of our Presidents beginning with George Washington up [...]
An Easter message for World Shapers.
Hi ,World Shapers. This Easter message is just for you. Some of you may need a parent, Pastor or teacher to share it with you. You may be wondering why I chose John 3:16 as [...]