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ENI Newsletter Nov. 2016 – Founder’s Message
eNewsletter, November 2016 “CODE BLUE!” Rewind: April 1, 1995: I first get the message from the Holy Spirit. Loud and Clear. Fast forward: July 26, 2016: Mary texts this to me: “E, while rifling [...]
ENI Newsletter Nov. 2016 – We’re Back & Thank You!
Well, we have to say, we’ve missed the opportunity to “talk” with you these past months. Seems like our Adversary doesn’t play fair when it comes to cyber-space any more so than he does with [...]
ENI Newsletter Nov. 2016 – A Word for 2016
One Size Fits All? We’re all quite familiar with this phrase (women especially) and some of us might actually believe it. Not me! No matter what size I tend to be in any “season” of [...]
ENI Newsletter Nov. 2016 – The Guy Side
The Guy Side by Bill Tome HUMANISM, RATIONALISM, and SUPERNATURALISM: The world that we live in can be and is defined by these three “world views.” Humanism: An outlook or system of thought attaching prime [...]