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Read Christian Lifestyle in the End Times
Penned by Esther Ilnisky back when pens were more important than they are today, this article is worth reading today maybe more than when it was first published. Esther says; Dear Reader, What you [...]
CIP Hong Kong 2013 Event Info & Pics!
Part of the IPC and Children in Prayer Conference in Hong Kong this year where ENI’s CGPM reps introduced our PRAYERTOOLS. Stay tuned for more info about this event and hopefully more pictures!
Read “GAP-STANDERS”, an Article by Esther Ilnisky
Pictures of starving children in Africa, reports of families fleeing war-torn countries, the aids epidemic...all showing up on the TV news programs around dinner time and sympathetic children are shedding tears and refusing to eat because [...]
“God’s Youngest Warriors Target Worldwide Change”
"Adults think they have to pray. Kids are glad they get to pray." So said, Ashlee, age six. Ever ask a child to say a blessing over a meal and have to worry that the [...]