Ok, I’m not a “typical” parent/grandparent. The taking of family photographs has never been high on my “to-do” list and, on ministry assignments, it isn’t even a thought. In ministry, I try to remember to appoint a “historian” to catch the “move of God.” On my recent trip to Nicaragua to visit our middle son, Jeffrey, and his family, trying to remember to “think pictures” and then assemble “the family” was a “move” alright – it was like herding cats!
So, this is my attempt to share with you some of our own #GenerationNow!
A visit to the family farm of our daughter-in-law, Maria de Los Angeles, a two-hour parade of BEAUTIFUL horses and riders (A traditional Hipica event in Madagalpa), climbing a “hill” that was more like a mountain to enjoy the view from the site of their prospective new home and actually
walking in the door of their restaurant, Jasco’s Nicaragua, were all part of answers to long-time prayers that we walked in all week. Thank you, Sweet Lord!
10-year old David,
8-year old Dorothy
and (almost) three, William, (Whom I had never before met!) are our newest World Shapers and definitely part of #GenerationNow along with four other “GRANDS!”
A set of ENI/WSC PRAYERTOOLS were put in the capable hands of their Grandfather, Don Jose, and Grandmother, Dona~ Isabel, who promised to begin praying with them for the children, families and nations of the world. You “GO!” Abuleo y Abuela.
Another set of PRAYERTOOLS is in the hands of a husband and wife missionary team, Michael and Paula Lindsay of Waves of Love, who are doing AMAZING things in the neighborhoods and schools of Astillero, not far from where Jeffrey and Mary currently live. I had the privilege of visiting a Church with Paula that feeds lunch to about 80 children 5 days a week and then snuck in a little Spanish learning while Paula taught English to some eager teachers. She was inspiring!
So, we’ll see what God does with WSC in Nicaragua. I can tell you He is doing A LOT with and for the children there. I always find it to be such a blessing that, every new World Shapers Club is an answer to the prayers World Shapers pray every month! Let’s pray that Nicaragua “catches the vision!” Thank you, Paula and Michael for receiving me on such short notice! May God continue to bless everything that you are doing.
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