When Mary told me it was time for my article for the April newsletter I did not tell her about all the spiritual challenges I have been through since the shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida. You see, it was the High School my sons attended some years ago. When you know those who are the targets of violence, it becomes personal.

I began to think about how far away from truth this generation is. It seems that all my articles end up being about what is happening with this generation and how important Christian education is in school and at home.

Do you know?

  • 80% of the 15-35 year-olds in America declare they are not born again
  • 94% do not believe in one or more of the cardinal doctrines of Christianity
  • 76% do not attend church
  • A strong majority have no problem with same-sex marriage
  • In a recent prayer conference, Ravi Zacharias said, “The ultimate test of any civilization lies in what they did with their children“.

What are we doing with ours? 

  • The world’s concept of “truth” is far from what actual truth – God’s truth -is.
  • Most secular schools are even feeding students historical facts distorted from the truth.
  • We, parents, grandparents and educators, need to equip them with REAL TRUTH that will teach them how to live a REAL, CHRISTIAN LIFE.
  • It is our job to transfer to them what we received from the Lord.
  • Making sure our children will not seek “truth” someplace else should be one of our ultimate goals.

I am always impressed with all the “stuff” this generation is given, and all the secular information they are getting from phones and tablets. They are filled with “things” to fill the void because we have not properly conveyed the understanding of what it really means to be wise.

Guilyan, my grandson, was watching the movie, Exodus, with me and he said about one part, “This is not from the Bible.”

I tried to explain it was fiction from the movie but then thought, “Why shouldn’t the movie follow Scripture and not add what isn’t true?” Perhaps because the truth would not sell.

Are we too worried about what is politically correct and forget that it is supposed to be biblically correct instead?

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children”  Hosea:4:6
