
Why “SHAPERS?” World Shapers are not only praying prayers in response to personal, local and global issues, but “before-the-fact” prayers that are helping to shape families, communities and nations!

Our World Shapers Club is being designed to connect “SHAPERS” all over the globe to harness their prayer power to help change their “worlds.”  World Shapers from 5 to 15 are invited to sign up for our WSC Newsletters and Global Prayer Alerts!

Last year, ENI/WSC trademarked the slogan, “Prayer. You’re the app for that.” In other words, “Prayer is the job. I’m (you’re) the way to get it done!” Please pray with us as we ask God for the funds and expertise to develop a smartphone app that will connect praying children around the world.

God is looking for adults who will recognize, equip, train and release the children to pray for their generation and the nations of the world. God is looking for children and youth who will identify with the need of others like themselves around the globe and pray for God to intervene in their lives. It’s a movement, a revelation/revolution…children intercessors being raised up in the nations who are shaping their families, neighborhoods and nations!

One way “Shapers” are coming together is with our WSC Monthly Prayer Calendar. Children in various nations and locations around the US pray over the same need each day. Families, Churches and schools are embracing the prayer calendar and are seeing amazing answers to their prayers. Please share yours with us and share the calendar with others!

Click HERE for the Latest World Shapers Club Calendar and Previous Months!

Who is the “I” in “I am World Shapers Club?” YOU!

Yes, YOU – and many other prayer partners – make World Shapers Club the power-full prayer movement it is!

Each and every one of you are part of God’s global prayer force that is changing families, neighborhoods and nations.

You are VIP’s in God’s Kingdom and part of something He is doing all over the world – recognizing, equipping and releasing children to pray!

With every prayer you pray, not only do you share your knowledge of Jesus but, you are being missionaries right from your home, church or school! You belong to a special force of prayer warriors!

World Shapers pledge:

“I will pray for the children of the world today so they’ll know all about our God who loves them so!”

Must Read for Church Leaders!

This is such a prophetic vision, we wanted to make sure you could find it on the site easily. Click the image below to go to the post. It’s a very visible representation of what God is doing and why we’ve been pioneering this vision for over 25 year!
