“Stop searching for a new word.”

Quite some time ago, ENI held an all-night prayer meeting at which we recited and came into agreement with the prayers of our Presidents beginning with George Washington up to whomever was the President in office at the time of the prayer meeting. (I’ve forgotten who that was. I said it was “some time” ago!)

Presidential proclamations and prayers were part of U.S. history from the beginning.

Reactivating the prayers of the leaders who had responsibility for our nation not only gave us a picture of the men praying them but of the heart of the God who inspired and is still answering them.

It is wise, good and powerful to return to the foundation of any God-laid entity and rediscover its roots. No one reading today the prayers and proclamations of our Presidents could (successfully) argue the currently held belief of the meaning of, “…separation of Church and State…”

This all-night prayer gathering came back to my recollection the other day and sparked a new vision…for such a time. Hear me out…

The prayer strategy I’m about to share is one I’ve already run by Ms. Esther who said, “Go for it!” Then, our NC Pastor unwittingly gave me confirmation by sharing the following word in Church today (March 26, 2017.) It had recently come forth as Pastor Larry and a friend were seeking God together for a “new word” for this season. (“Iron sharpens iron….” Prov. 27:17)

Here’s what God said:

“Stop searching for a new word.

Declare the old with authority!”

That REALLY got my attention as it spoke directly to the strategy Esther and I had just discussed.

So, which “old words” do we want to be declaring with authority? The founding documents – statements of purpose – of our major (many of them the Ivy League) universities and colleges.

Why? To ask God to bring them back to the Godly, evangelistic purposes for which they were founded.

The need to counter the God-less, socialistic indoctrination being force-fed to our college students has reached the tipping point. We do something about it or we lose academia totally. College faculties are already past the point of being serious about any “inclusivity” of “opposite/conservative” viewpoints and campus “safe zones” only serve to highlight the damage being done.

Will you join with us in this strategic battle? Marshall your internet search engine savvy cohorts, do your homework (as I am going to do) and join with us in reactivating God’s original purposes for our institutions of truly, “higher” learning.

