Our new “I am World Shapers Club!” buttons are making a big impact!

Morningside Academy World Shapers – authors of our February WSC Calendar! – were presented their buttons by our WSC Ambassador, Ms. Sonia Morley to celebrate when their task was done. 

WSC/Esther’s Prayer Brigade in Uganda received their buttons (after a year of praying the calendar!) from WSC Director, Ms. Jane Nakalema, while Mary was in Uganda last year. Additionally, each WSC Director who stepped up to lead our 8 new groups in Uganda received their own buttons.

This new PRAYERTOOL can be used by you/your groups in any number of ways AND, the children love to show/share them with others and talk about WSC to invite others to join. My husband and I wear one (almost) wherever we go!

Buttons are available for a donation of $2 each + shipping. Send an email to let us know how many you would like: mary@esthernet.net