Ever since viewing the memorable memorial service for Barbara Bush and listening to her being eulogized, I have been musing about how, if that were a eulogy offered to me, I will be remembered.…not just about how I might be remembered, but how I am thought about now. And, not just about me but about how ALL OF US – you included – are thought of now and how we will be remembered!

Muse 1:  In an article in World Magazine, Jamie Dean writes about Mrs. Bush and others she considers “heroes.”   She tells of the heroic acts of people who died while saving the lives of others. Their final act would probably be remembered most, or even solely, by people like me (and perhaps you) who didn’t know them.

Muse 2:  But, to people who lived with them or others who knew them well, would that one act be the most memorable?  Or, might they say, “That doesn’t surprise me.  It’s just like him/her.”? and then go quickly on to elucidate most about the lesser-known “heroic” life lived?

Muse 3:  I decided to write a “eulogy” about myself according to how I view myself now and how I think I am perceived in my world of people. I pondered long on what might come to a person’s mind when my name is mentioned.  Mixed feelings here!

Muse 4:  On the other hand, this muse came as a welcomed surprise. I think it came from the Holy Spirit; especially for those of you who are usually too hard on yourself.  I never thought it as “heroism” when introducing someone to Jesus, or simply showing God’s love, or interceding untiringly for a lost world, or even nurturing and mentoring a child… (Add your own). Hmmm…in heaven, might all of these well be considered “saving lives” – a spiritual kind of “heroism” – and recorded there?

Muse 5:  I thought about this for a while…to suggest that you write your own “eulogy” in view of your personal evaluation of your life – how you think you are thought of now and how you think you will be remembered.

Your turn to muse…

…for such a time as this,
