Your Will be Done

When I write for the World Shapers newsletter, I often feel I am preaching to preachers. For this reason, I also post what I write on social media so others will have the opportunity to read. But, whether writing or posting, quoting scriptures does not prove I am a mature Christian.

It is the application of scriptures in my life that shows I am a follower of Christ. It is my behavior and attitude that will show others who Jesus is through me.

Three or four years ago someone said to me: “What I admire in you is that, no matter what comes into your life, you are always joyful.” What this person didn’t know is that it is in the midst of the “storms” that I learned how to hold fast to His hands. Day after day, night after night, I trusted Him when I was afraid or when I was sad. I trusted that He would bring joy back to my life no matter what.

Although I couldn’t always understand the “whys,” I kept saying/praying.  “Yes Lord, Your will be done”. (Proverbs 3: 5-6)

I don’t know about you, your situation or what you are going through. Perhaps you know someone, young or not so, going through a difficult moment. You don’t need to know the detail. Encourage them to pray, accept that His will be done and believe that, joy will come!
