Add a Little Sugar While You’re Salting the Earth

That’s another treasure I found in my “gold mine” folder marked, “For e-Newsletters.” It’s from a teaching I did in 1993. The emphasis was on frantically SOUNDING THE ALARM and living in perpetual spiritual warfare mode. Swords drawn. Ready for battle.

Obviously, that message has been amped up with each passing, more chaotic year on Planet Earth. AND, IT HAS TO BE LOUDER AND CLEARER THAN EVER, ABSOLUTELY.

However, (you knew it was coming…)

Ponder these gems from that same gold mine:

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

 “Your responsibility is not to fix people. It is to LOVE them and LEAD them to Jesus who will fix them.”

 “People need loving the most when they deserve it the least.”

Go ahead…add your own words of wisdom! Perhaps you will share them with us…

Along with ample scripture that you already know, of course, I’d like for you to make your own relevant application to these lyrics from a song in Walt Disney’s “Mary Poppins” musical,

 “A Spoonful Of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down”

A robin feathering his nest

Has very little time to rest

While gathering his bits of twine and twig,

Though quite content in his pursuit,

He has a merry tune to toot

He knows a song will move the job along…

for a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down…

…the medicine go down…”

So, while being the salt of the earth, shouting the loudest warnings and giving the largest doses of medicine ever to cure “sin-sickness” sufferers,

just add a little sugar while you’re at it…

…for such a (viral!) time as this,
