It’s a GOOD/GOD thing – World Shapers Club is growing! So are the opportunities to help ENI/WSC equip young intercessors (and their mentors) around the world with the anointed tools God has given us to foster prayer. Several of our clubs need PRAYERTOOLS. Some are requiring security deposits and insurance. Many cannot afford to print the monthly prayer calendar for each child.

We would like to invite you to partner with us to “Adopt-a-Club” with your donations in one of the following ways:

  1. Monthly support of a club – U.S. $50, Intn’l $100. New, public school clubs will entail a larger monthly financial commitment due to facility fees and insurance requirements. Multiple donors at $50 each will be necessary for each of these Clubs. Some national/international clubs are planning outreaches into neighboring areas.
  2. Bless a Club with one or more of our PRAYERTOOL KITS (1-Let the Children Pray Book, 1 GLOBALL, 1 each of National/Global SPINNERS, 1 House of Prayer CD, including U.S. Postage.) – $170  Nations like India, Uganda, the Philippines (and others) could use multiple kits due to the number of Club members.
  3. Donate towards the substantial postage costs of sending PRAYERTOOLS to other nations.
  4. Donate $25-$50 per club, monthly to cover the cost of printing the WSC calendar so children can take it home, pray over the weekends/vacations and share the calendar with family and others.
  5. Help facilitate our WSC teams acceptance of international invitations by donating to the travel fund. Invitations to Germany (May) and Uganda (June) are already under consideration for 2017. More detailed information on specific costs to come.

Call or email us for more information. Send checks to ENI designated as “Adopt-a-Club” with specific details as to how you are choosing to partner with us – monthly, PRAYERTOOL Kits, or specifically towards postage or travel.

A big, “THANK YOU!” in advance for your heart for praying children around the world. 2017 is going to be an exciting year for World Shapers everywhere!