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He Who Has an Ear…
He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says. (Rev. 2:7) A lot has been said about Revival. What does it mean for America? Do we need to be revived? Why so? [...]
Who is World Shapers Club? YOU!!
Our new "I am World Shapers Club!" buttons are making a big impact! Morningside Academy World Shapers - authors of our February WSC Calendar! - were presented their buttons by our WSC Ambassador, Ms. Sonia [...]
Pray Like You Praise!
I’m in the middle of a “downsizing” experience. Actually, it’s quite an adventure! Perusing “gems” from past teachings given by Holy Spirit inspiration, I think things like, “Wow, did I say that?” Or, “Now, that’s [...]
How Low Will He Go?!?
How Low Will He Go?! The Gender Unicorn. Please Print and Share! (Note: Their instructions, not ours.) Gender Identity: Gender Identity: One's internal sense of being male, female, neither of these, both, or another gender(s). Everyone has a gender identity, including you. For transgender [...]