ENI/WSC recently received this wonderful invitation from Stuart Burns of International Miners Mission:
“Hello Mary,
Our next trip to Bolivia begins on March 15, 2018. 
I would love to have you join me and others in Bolivia in March.  Just as AppHop is one of the best kept secrets in our area, so is IMM’s ministry to some of the remotest parts of the world.  When you first become exposed to AppHop and you prayer warriors, it makes a believer out of you – there is something more, great spiritual blessings.  The same when anyone joins IMM on one of our mission trips.  You will never be the same!”

Every since meeting Stuart Burns at Appalachian House of Prayer two years ago, I have had a deeper understanding of God’s light shining in dark places because of Stuart’s calling to miners all over the world. See minersmission.com

Matthew 5:16 (KJV) “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

For over 30 years, God has used Stuart and Cherry Burns and IMM to shine God’s light into some of the naturally and spiritually darkest places on earth.

Before meeting Stuart (who leads one of the prayer-sets at AppHop and is a wonderful prayer partner) I had never given any thought at all to the spiritual condition/need of this group of people. I’m thinking that may be true for the majority of Christians around the globe as I have, also, never met anyone else called to or who has spoken of such a need/outreach.

Not all mining is done below ground but the majority, world-wide, is. In Bolivia, the target of this yearly mission trip, underground tunnels have been dedicated to the devil with niches cut into the walls holding statues and other spiritual talismen meant to appease Satan and provide safety while underground. Interesting that the miners recognize that Satan has that dominion!

Pictured here to the left is one of the miners and our other AppHop friend, Pastor Travis from Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. He’s the big one with the miners lamp on his head.



Here are two more, brief, excerpts from Stuart’s invitation:

“Andres and Elma Negretti  are responsible for 30, yes 30 churches”

“IMM supports a vibrant, growing children’s ministry with up to 350 children. “

Children of tin miners in Bolivia.


I am working now with Stuart and other IMM leadership to put in motion opportunities for sharing God’s vision for praying children and the establishing of World Shapers Clubs in Bolivia.



Like me, you may be thinking this is short notice, however, Stuart and I have talked/prayed about this possibility several times and he has been recently speaking with his counterparts in Bolivia  about the children and prayer. We both are feeling the time is NOW!

Future World Shapers?!


I remember speaking to the children in Uganda and telling them that, because of the prayers of children just like them, God sent me to tell them them how much He loves them and how important their prayers are. What a joy it would be to share the same thing with these children!

This opportunity will cost approximately $2,500 U.S which includes taking some PRAYERTOOLS.

Have YOU caught the vision for Bolivia? If so, please pray and give generously for this amazing opportunity.

Thank you,
