Hello World Shapers!  I want to get you thinking about your counterparts in various countries around the world. Perhaps you are asking, “What is a counterpart?”  Webster’s Dictionary defines it like this:


A thing that fits another perfectly

Something that completes

One remarkably similar to another

One having the same function or characteristics as another


Similar words or synonyms are: coequal, equal, like, match, peer

Getting the picture? God is doing something big all over the globe – recognizing, training, equipping and releasing children and young people, like you, to pray power-full prayers that are changing families, neighborhoods and nations. You are part of that! You are not alone. You are necessary and valued.

Children in many nations, through various ministries, have learned how important they and their prayers are to God and His Kingdom. In some ways you are very different from one another. You look different. You speak different languages. You live in different circumstances. However, the anointing of God and the gift of intercession brings you all together – perfectly completing/complementing each other; similar in heart, and passion; recognizing the same purpose; possessing the character of God.

World Shapers are MATCHless in God’s eyes – and ours, too!

I’ve included here a few pictures of some of your peers from India, Uganda, the Philippines and the U.S. You are all, coequal prayer partners in God’s Kingdom!

We are working on doing more to introduce you to each other. We want you to see who your prayer partners are and to realize that, many times, they are also the objects of your prayers. Send us pictures of your World Shapers Groups, make a (very) short video of your group to share with the others. Give us some other ideas of how you would like to be connected, and…

