
Our Network of Ministries and Conferences for God’s Glory!

Overview of the ENI Networks

ENI is a global intercessory prayer ministry hosting “Do and Teach” workshops on intercession for general, adult Church congregations as well as specialized workshops for those in Church and other group leadership.

Our Children’s Global Prayer Movement trains, equips and releases children (ages 5-15) to intercede for others like themselves around the world; petitioning God on behalf of their generation.

Our anointed PRAYERTOOLS (GLOBALL, HOP CD, National and Global SPINNERS, etc.) facilitate and encourage their intercession. Our World Shapers Club unites children intercessors around the world to pray daily over the same issues using our World Shapers Club Monthly Prayer Calendar.

Bringing the Church wholly together in corporate prayer through InterGenerational Prayer Events is another focus of ENI.

Children, tweens, teens, parents, grandparents – everyone together – puts a new face on “corporate prayer” and a new level of power in every congregation. This is what God is doing around the globe and He is entreating all His churches to “GET ON BOARD!”