It was the second InterGenerational prayer event at APP HOP (in the beautiful fall-colored mountains of NC) and we began by making a declaration about being A House of Prayer for the nations of the world. First, we declared individually to be a house of prayer, then as a family unit and (for that day) Saturday, as the APP HOP house of prayer. Everyone loved learning the song and the motions!

Our young World Shapers had a strong focus on praying for Africa (and other nations) where children are not able to go to school for various reasons. That sparked a conversation about what their U.S. schools looked like; how they are equipped and what rural schools in other nations might look like and need for the students.

One 8-year old girl reminded us that there are some countries where girls are not considered to be important enough to educate! Never underestimate how much these young ones know about what is happening in the world!

There was great agreement, encouragement and participation by the adults – grandparents, parents, Pastor Larry!



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