RWANDA-May 6, 2020 (First-hand report: WSC Ambassador, Victor Imanaturikumwe)

 “Torrential rainfall in Rwanda, poured the night of May 6, 2020 which led to death of 72 people, over 8000 families have been displaced, damage of infrastructures roads, 3000 houses, cattle and crops were swept away by the floods across the country. Displaced people ( whose houses were collapsed  and  those moved  from high risk zones ) were taken to safer places like schools and churches. There are more than ten schools / camps holding those people…


…ENI-WSC Rwanda, was the first, faith ministry that worked to reach the children and have the parents catching the vision. I found many parents and children hopeless and I proposed a praying team for children in the camp with one family. I praised God after one week more than 5 families, including youth confirmed to be part of the Club. The total number of youth and children is 63 and ten adults saved.”

Angelique, a first-year university student, has become the Director of the first ever WSC in a refugee camp. She is pictured here with her brother in front of their ruined home. Please pray for Angelique, all her new prayer partners and their families! 

Angelique reports that all is going well and that the camp community has found WSC to be an answer to security and care for children. One of the parents at the WSC meeting said, “Churches are closed nationwide but, God preferred to open an intercessory center in the camp using WSC. It is as if God is speaking to us through the young and great prophets-the children.” We are hopeful WSC will spread to the other camps as travel restrictions are lifted.

Although our Shapers have prayed often for displaced people and families, we are now asking God for a WSC in every refugee camp around the world. WSC is truly shining God’s light into dark places and the prayers of the children are shaping lives within and without the camp. Think of WSC bringing and spreading the love of Jesus into every camp – we can only imagine!