Living in the US has brought me lots of good things but the most important thing is that I got to know God. I always ask myself what would have happened if I had continued to live in Brazil. Would I have had the opportunity to know the people that led me to Him?

I now have the ability to lead people to Jesus, too! Because I’m not one to like speaking in public, I prefer a one-on-one type of testimony that focuses on my “walk” and my prayers for others.

One of the best things about my experience living in other countries (Brazil and Ecuador) is that it sparked in me a very strong sense of observation. It is that sense of observation that led to what I want to highlight in this note.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. (Proverbs 4:23)

Another way to put it is from the words of an old Sunday School song, “Be careful little eyes what you see…be careful little ears what you hear…”

I am speaking specifically about my increasing awareness of the toll social media and all our “devices” is taking on our children and families. How many hours are we spending on phones, tablets, computers, the internet, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter? What are we seeing/hearing? How much money are we spending on and because of these devices?

I’m afraid the consequences of all of this will not be pretty. It has already started. Will it already be too late when we open our eyes? This is a big concern in America but not yet as great a one in other countries. Could it be that that the drive to acquire, use and yes, abuse, these devices has made us numb to situations in much of the rest of the world? Studies have already proven that social media sites have become substitutes for actual interaction with real people and social skills are decreasing. Also, focus on “self” is becoming a new epidemic.

As a family, has social media numbed you? Do you see only the “trends” and what your friends are doing? Are you saving money to buy more stuff or to help others in need? Are you busy with charity or bored at home hypnotized in front of your devices?

Would you download an app that gives you and your children an overall view of the rest of the world… starvation, prostitution, child trafficking, war.? How about an app that shows all the possibilities of volunteer work in your neighborhood?

Just saying…