Jesus declared, “…I am a King. For this I have been born… (John 18:37)

Isaiah prophesied, “For unto us a child is born, a son is given: and the government will be upon His shoulders.” (Isaiah 9:6)

I’m totally blown away by what I discovered when googling “King Jesus in Scripture.” The Dictionary of Bible Themes says the Bible contains 2,312 references to Jesus Christ as King!

Before reading that, I had thought of quoting a few here. But, since I don’t even know where to begin, I’ve decided that you already know enough of them or you can check them out for yourself if you want! Either way, give them a refresher course this Christmas season.

To me, the above image itself says it all. It settles, once and for all, the Kingdom principle which tells Christians everywhere that, foremost, we are citizens of the Kingdom of King Jesus; a universal Kingdom that knows no geographical, ethnic or racial boundary.

 “,,,to Him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom that all peoples, nations and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion is everlasting. It will not pass away.…(and) it will not be destroyed! (Daniel 7:14)

 Earthly kingdoms are just that…earthly. So, remember, as “subjects” of His eternal, indestructible Kingdom we are victors forever!

All hail, King Jesus!

For such a “CHRISTMAS” time as this,
