Here are some very recent answers to prayer
from our Pakistani “Shapers:”
1. A TV “dead” and needing a new LCD was “resurrected” when the Pastor’s young daughter (unbeknownst to him) and her siblings prayed over it and asked God to fix it!
2. The Mother of a young boy approached our WSC Ambassador in Pakistan and asked to have the children pray for her son who was so unruly that he had been dismissed from school. Yes, correct, he is now back in school and doing well.
3. Another Mother, home alone with a young son (husband at work) was stricken with severe stomach pains and had no one to help her. Her 3-4 year old child (also in pre-school and a “Shaper”) told the Mother they could pray. He did and the Mother is ok!
Praise the name of the Lord for his mercy, grace and power. Our “Shapers” are changing families, neighborhoods and nations with their prayers! Keep up the good work!