I’m sitting here with the screen door open and a lovely, cool mountain breeze drifting into the log cabin we call home in NC. I like it A LOT MORE in the summer than in winter when the logs do a less than desired job of keeping out the cold. BRRRR!

Today…it’s PERFECT! The freshness of the air is “speaking” to me of cleansing, newness, hope and opportunity. At the moment, I feel like “anything” is possible! Well, isn’t that what God tells us? “With God ALL THINGS are possible!” (Mt 19:26)

One things that makes this so is that, “His mercies are new EVERY morning…” (Lam 3:23-24)

In a funny movie, Ground Hog Day, a television reporter finds himself reliving the same day…over and over and over again. NOTHING changes.

God (and HIs promises) are unchangeable. He is the same, day after day after day. There is no shadow of turning (James 1:17) with Him.

“Nothing has changed.” Those are the three words the Holy Spirit spoke to me six years ago when my husband was diagnosed with Stage4 cancer. I knew in an instant that God was saying, “If I was God yesterday, then I am God today and will be tomorrow.”

God’s mercy is like that. The availability and power of it is unchangeable. One day’s “use” does not deplete the supply of the next! It remains the same. So, if that is true for mercy, for what else might it also be true?

Hope. Opportunity. Faith. _________  You fill in the blank that meets your need…

Regardless of our surroundings or the “weather”, each day is afresh with hope, possibility and opportunity.

Ahhhh, feel the breeze!