The world is calling for prayer warriors. So much going on; shootings, abortion, riots, Ebola and many other issues, known and unknown.

God’s warriors don’t wear uniforms or drive tanks. They don’t fight in the flesh; they fight in the spirit. Prayers are their weapons to fight the enemy who is trying to destroy human kind and dominate the world.

Don’t fear or deny the authority given to you by Jesus. It is something bigger and more powerful than you can imagine. It is around and inside of you through the power of the Holy Spirit whom Jesus sent when He returned to heaven.

God’s army of prayers warriors – you, His World Shapers – is setting captives free and bringing deliverance and healing through Spirit-led, warfare prayers. You are changing families, neighborhoods and nations…

for such a time as this!

Ephesians 6: 12 and 18                                                                         

John 14:16-17
