“STAY TUNED!”      

You and I each have a part to play in this newsletter. My part is to present my four, rational takes on the subject. Your part is to make your own, obvious spiritual analogy of each and put yourself to the test…(Just in case you’re wondering, I “tested” myself before asking you to do it!)

Take #1:                         

Still ringing in my ear is the nerve-wracking sound of a violin being tuned. The particular one was my big brother’s “baby” and he treated it just as carefully. He was 16. I was six and painstakingly plucking out each note on our well-tuned piano over and over again until he got it exactly right.  No matter what, I had to stick it out with him.

Violins are temperamental and don’t like changes in climate. Long, dry winters cause the pegs to stiffen or harden and must be moisturized by a certain oil at all times in order for the strings to stay pliable and properly tuned.


Take #2:

How about the radio that used a dial to find a desired station?  Well, if that dial wasn’t set exactly on the station, extremely annoying static resulted. Interference in the airwaves caused it, too, when an attempt was made to tune in to a station too far away from its signal…its point of origin..


Take #3:

Today’s ever-changing, totally unpredictable news is out there 24/7/365! Even going an hour without following it could put one’s own life in danger; to say nothing about the necessity to stay informed, period. Or, how about those never-ending sagas that leave each day’s events deliberately hanging on a thread, so to speak. One can hardly wait for the next day and is compelled to, “stay tuned for the next episode. Who would dare miss it?!


Take #4:

Then, there’s one’s vehicle. No matter what make, model, or price tag, a periodic tune-up is essential…required…to make sure all its parts, such as spark plugs for proper rhythm and ignition results, are in good working condition. Without it, “KA-BOOM!,” it puts one’s own life… and the lives of others…in jeopardy. Or, it could leave one stranded somewhere.


Four “Stay Tuned!” takes” for such a time as this,
