Out of many streams, “one” river or “movement.”

I was excited while in Europe recently to find that many of the prayer and missions groups that had assembled together had their start/conception in the outflow of the Lusanne and AD2000 & Beyond movements back in the late 1990’s.

It was inspiring to hear about how the ensuing outreach focuses…Unreached People Groups, national prayer initiatives, social media initiatives …everyone telling how they were God led and how the new emphasis on sharing resources, not reinventing the wheel, so-to -speak, and praying together and for each other…were bringing such benefits and encouragement. Blending the “single” into the “together.”  Streams combining and becoming mighty rivers of revival!

Frankly, I think it was a “God setup!” Why? Because I was asked to come speak to the groups about recognizing, releasing and partnering with the children. How could they refuse God’s query, “What about the children?” when this “stream” came from the same sources and Godly inspiration as theirs?!

You all know our AD2000 & Beyond/S. Korea story. They did not but, I think/hope it was a very compelling one. The children are coming!