“T A C A M O !”

“TACAMO is a military term meaning, “TAKE CHARGE AND MOVE OUT!”…its primary mission is to receive, verify and retransmit ”Emergency Action Messages” to US strategic forces. It communicates (on every level) from a “Very Low Frequency“ up through “Super High Frequency” using a variety of modulations, encryptions and networks.” (Wikipedia) 

                 “T A C A M O !” and “LOOKING GLASS MISSIONS”

“In 1961, the Chief of Naval Operations used these words (for) the development of a unique part of naval aviation. The nation needed a reliable strategic communications system between the President and other national command authorities. In 1998, the Navy…performed the “LOOKING GLASS” MISSION” which allows the President and Secretary of Defense direct command and control capability…” (Excerpted from the official TACAMO Website)

Well, having read all that, I assume you’ve already drawn your own conclusive, spiritual analogy and can reference ample scripture to activate the principles necessary for dealing with the challenges of today’s tumultuous world.

My take:

God gave us a reliable, two-way, strategic communications system. It’s called PRAYER/INTERCESSION/SPIRITUAL WARFARE.   He is able to speak to us at any given time just as He is there for us when we call on Him. These days, I believe He’s literally roaring out of Heaven at us – a “Super High Frequency!” However, He may choose to speak in a “still small voice” – a “Very Low Frequency”, i.e, “secretive”’, preemptive. Whichever, it’s always an “Emergency Action Message!”

So, intercessors, “T A C A M O!” TAKE (ABSOLUTE) CHARGE AND MOVE OUT! DON’T HIDE. Just get out there and do your job. Stay ready and fully outfitted. Know that God has “drafted” you into this level of service because He can depend on you to take on and overcome any hostile action from the enemy.   Discern the times through your spiritual eyes – your “LOOKING GLASS”and make your petitions to the Godhead accordingly on behalf of His creation seemingly gone amok. He hears you!

If, perchance, the analogy fits a personal issue, I guarantee you, if you work it, it will work for you!

All the above for such a (crucial) time as this,
