Well, Christmas is over, or should I say, “The party’s over! Back to normal.”

Should it be like that?

If “back to normal” means we forget to be generous, grateful, joyful, emotional, kind, loving hopeful etc…perhaps we should think about carrying the Christmas spirit on in our heart all year. (Reading Luke 2: 1-20 is good for this!)

Most of us have fond memories of our childhood Christmases but, then as now, they become only memories on December 26.

Should it be like that?

Past memories are parts of our lives that helped build our “today.” Memories we make today are building our “tomorrow.”

We all have memories – bad and good. Bad memories we use as lessons learned. Good ones – well, they carry, us and others, through the “not-so-good” times.

Good Christmas memories are imprinted in our minds. They bring the smells, the songs, the decorations, the family, the friends, the cards and the desire to help and love others back to our minds continuously.

So my friends, I am not leaving the party! On the contrary, I am staying. I am building Christmas memories every day – 365 days – until next Christmas when I will, once again, renew my vows to be generous, grateful, joyful, emotional, kind, loving, hopeful, etc…
