Two Aisles…

Front of the Church to the back – Pomp & Circumstance

Back of the Church to the front – sackcloth & ashes

Those two, relatively short journeys represent the most significant times in the life my husband, Bill, and I shared for 50 years. We walked both of those aisles together. Hand-in-hand.

The first – our wedding day after having just recited our vows:

“…to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part…”

We had no idea what we were doing!

The second – a Sunday morning in a small Baptist Church having just realized we were sinners in need of a savior.

Perhaps we had a bit more of a clue then about what we had just done because we understood what we had received.

In any age, the achievement of 50 years of marriage is a laudable and celebratory event. Today it happens so seldom that you only have two choices at the party goods store for how you want to decorate! Trust me – check it out.

I want to thank God for my ever faithful, loving husband and for His grace that we both came to salvation the same day. How grateful I am that both love stories continue…
