John Ssentamu of Good Shepherd Primary School (Masaka, Uganda) shares an urgent prayer request for his country.

“The entire nation of Uganda has been in a season of severe drought for the last year. Currently, with temperatures escalating and no rain in sight, famine will soon overtake the nation and people will be dying. Please agree with us for God to send the rain!”

Let’s agree with John and our World Shapers of Esther’s Prayer Brigade that God will send both the natural and spiritual rain to bless and grow Uganda for the Kingdom of God.

Our prayers are with you, John!  I just remembered this picture of Mary at the drums and, I believe, God stirred it in my spirit to include it here. II Chron. 7:14 encourages a season of humility/repentance/prayer for the nation. Then, I’m sensing  “drum warfare” against the enemy who would seek to delay God’s answer.

And every blow of the rod of punishment, Which the Lord will lay on them (His enemies), Will be to the music of (Israel’stambourines (drums) and lyres;