Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do

Not too long ago I heard a message from a Pastor about the way God guides and guards our destiny. It was meant to be an encouragement to those who, perhaps, felt they had “missed” God or didn’t quite know what God had for them. The example he used (which I later learned had come from a song album but I don’t remember which one) painted a very vivid picture in my mind and heart and I have shared it with many others.  I want to do so with you here…the “Mary” version:

Nothing happens by mistake. It is ALL God’s design. “Seen” and “unseen” things work together for the good of, “…those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” Rom. 8:28  It’s AMAZING to look back at things that happen in our lives BEFORE we even acknowledge God and recognize his hand print!

So, let’s look at Zacchaeus…remember him?  Two things about him we know for sure – he was a tax collector and, he was short. I’m guessing that, since at the time of this story, he was already a “chief” tax collector and “very wealthy” Zacchaeus wasn’t a young man. His “moment of destiny” had been waiting for some time.

Then, there’s that tree…a “sycamore fig.” They only grow in Jordan…the setting for this encournter…and they grow wide with many low branches. That’s why Zacchaeus was able to climb into the branches to get high enough to see all of Jesus and his entourage. Had it been an oak or some “mightier” tree, Zacchaeus might not have been able to jump high enough to reach the branches…hmmm…


How did the tree get there and why? It was a “God plant!” Yes, seed-to- sapling-to arm-spreading-welcoming  “ladder.”  The seed (probably from another) sycamore fig found good ground! It wasn’t blown away. It didn’t shrivel and die. It wasn’t choked out by rubbish or weeds and…THIS IS THE BEST PART!…it didn’t get eaten by a camel!! All because God’s angels were guarding it so Zacchaeus could fulfill his destiny in meeting Jesus!! WOO-HOO!! I hope that makes you SHOUT!

So, why the focus on God guiding our destiny this month? Because mine is to be in Uganda! What’s yours?!

