“Shifting the Destiny of Nations.”

I Will Pray for the Children of the World Today!

This Little Light of Mine…sound familiar? Yes, it was the title of this column last month. I’m sensing that God wants to continue it…a least for now.

This “little” light…the light of Jesus that children carry into their everyday lives just as adults do. Children are “little”, of course, but the Holy Spirit in them is just as big as the Holy Spirit in Moms and Dads, in me and in our Pastors. The same.  Remember, it only takes a “little” light to dispel the darkness of a whole room.

In like manner, the Bible also tells us that a little leaven leavens the whole loaf. What a good reminder that a “little” sin can be as destructive as a great BIG one!

So, World Shapers, let’s remember that in order to be effective in our prayers for children around the world -in order to enter into God’s presence – we need clean hands and pure hearts.

Let’s keep a clear/clean line of communication with Jesus – hearts full of love and thankfulness for Him and hands clean of sin – so our light can shine and bring truth to others.