World Shapers Club is G R O W I N G!! Not only do we have World Shapers on three continents, but we are about to have them in our first, U.S. public school. Yes, that is correct – PUBLIC school! Ambassador Morley is working on the final details and she hopes to conduct the first WSC meeting early in 2017.

This new club brings with it some different legal and financial requirements than any of our others. So, my thought was to invite you, our ENI friends, to help sponsor this new WSC. As I sat down to write, I had another thought; why not find sponsors for all the World Shapers Clubs? I really can’t think of any of our groups that could not benefit from having a sponsor. Both prayer and financial support would be a blessing to each and every (numbers of which are growing) club.

All of our World Shapers Clubs would benefit from receiving gifts of our PRAYERTOOLS. In some cases, one set would do. In the case of India, Uganda, Jamaica (and others) multiple sets would be best because of the numbers of participants. Some of our groups are not financially able to make individual copies of the WSC prayer calendar available each month. As a result, the children do not have the calendar to take home for additional and/or weekend prayers.

Plans for WSC Sponsorships are slowly and prayerfully taking place. Esther, Sonia and I are seeking God for how best to structure such a program. We will have different levels of monthly sponsorships, PRAYERTOOL kits for gifting, the need for dollars for international postage costs as well as donations targeted for sending teams to various countries to which we have been invited to inaugurate and grow World Shapers Club. Please be in prayer this month about how you can partner with us in 2017…for such an (opportune) time as this!
