I’m so grateful that the “grown up” Church is recognizing the prayer power and benefits of partnership with children and youth around the world. Thank you, Lord!
Our friend, John Robb (International Prayer Council/Children in Prayer) tells us that several missions leaders have approached him to ask that children begin to cover the (approximately) 1,300 still unreached people groups in the world. YEAH! They are recognizing that the prayers of children/youth added to theirs will get the job done more quickly…the preaching of the Gospel to the end of the earth SO THAT JESUS CAN RETURN!
So, we are asking that each one of our World Shapers Club groups adopt one of the still unreached people groups and begins to pray earnestly for them. You can learn about unreached people groups at the following two websites:
We’ll be sending out a separate reminder soon with more information. Begin to do your research now and see which people group God lays on your heart.