Let us introduce you to Pastor Ndayizeye Leonidas of Rwanda.

We have been partnering together since the spring of last year. Just like our Uganda contact, this alliance was begun/forged through an initial website search by Pastor Leonidas. Remember, all technology…love it or hate it…is, ultimately, for the use/furtherance of His Kingdom!

Pastor Leonidas launched Prayer Team Movement International to mobilize Pastors and other leaders to pray because, to quote Pastor Leonidas, “Prayer is the foundation of everything.” God is using him to teach many to pray as Jesus’ Disciples petitioned Him to do in Luke 11:1

PTMI is working in four African nations: Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya and Uganda. In recent months, Pastor Leonidas has commissioned over 20 Pastors and other leaders to work with the children using Esther’s Let the Children Pray book and our WSC monthly prayer calendar. Country Coordinators for praying children have been appointed in each nation.

We were initially able to only get a PDF copy of Esther’s book to Pastor Leonidas but, in October, we succeeded in getting a carton of 30 books to Rwanda. Pastor Leonidas said it gives credibility to both the message and the messenger for the Pastors/leaders to actually have a copy of the book in hand…both to refer to and to share with others.

Just recently, another 10 Pastors and 10 Sunday School teachers from several districts in Rwanda were introduced to WSC and LTCP. They have pledged to introduce/sustain the program in their churches.

ENI/WSC is so blessed to welcome these praying children and the adults with whom they are partnering…#GenerationNow…

…for such an (exciting) time as this!

Esther and Mary

(This is a report some months in the making but just now being shared. Our hope/prayer is that, after reading this report, you would donate some funds to allow us to send 50 additional copies of Esther’s book and other PRAYERTOOLS to Rwanda. The number of leaders/children each book is reaching is truly significant! Additionally, Pastor Leonidas has just shared the need/desire to have the book in French. Any translators/transcribers out there?!