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Testimony Time!
"We prayed for a fellow student who was demonic and was set free!" "I was formerly a Muslim but got saved through the WSC." "At school, when we had our first fellowships, people mocked us [...]
It’s a Morningside Academy “3-Peat!”
Be still my heart...the World Shapers at Morningside Academy of Port St. Lucie, FL have done it again! This is the third year they have tackled a whole month of the WSC calendar. You can [...]
“Catch the Vision!” – Bolivia, March 2018
ENI/WSC recently received this wonderful invitation from Stuart Burns of International Miners Mission: "Hello Mary, Our next trip to Bolivia begins on March 15, 2018. I would love to have you join me and others [...]
Just Saying…
Living in the US has brought me lots of good things but the most important thing is that I got to know God. I always ask myself what would have happened if I had continued [...]