If you didn’t think 2018 was just a tad crazy, you weren’t paying attention.

We are only three days into 2019 and I don’t see things getting any more sane any time soon.

While the world seems to be devolving into stupidity, insanity from every angle intensifies and the voices building against those who have chosen Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior continue to amplify:

“You’re a Christian?!?! You’re CRAZY!”

If that’s not the pot calling the kettle black, I don’t know what is.

I could make crazy predictions like half the Internet has done in the last few days but, I choose to go with what’s obvious, as that seems to really throw people for a loop these days.

2019 will likely see things get worse for President Trump’s MAGA movement, as the progressive snowflake army marches on. Islam will continue to be touted as the religion of peace, which is like saying arsenic frosting is great for a cake. The economy, as hard as Trump has tried, will continue its decline, and things will get tougher for people of all walks of life. Wars and rumors of wars will intensify, and the signposts that help us determine if we are truly in the end times will become clearer.

Doom and gloom you say? Yup. Here’s the reality though. If you’re reading this and you have no faith, then the previous paragraph is not just scary, it’s downright terrifying.

I read regular news sources as well as alternative news, and I never believe something unless I have sourced it through three separate entities. I have a pretty good handle on global events and, I am fairly knowledgeable about what is likely to happen in 2019, though no one except God knows for sure.

For 2019, I resolve to believe the following, which helps greatly in keeping me grounded, strengthens my faith, and provides comfort my family and me:

  1. Because I am Christian does not mean I am a wimp. I am prepared, willing and able to defend myself, my family and my community with lethal force if necessary. God has no issues with you being a warrior if your heart is right with Him. Do not lay down and “take it” because you think “turn the other cheek” is for all situations. It’s not.
  2. Trump, nor anyone else besides Jesus, will save you from anything. President Trump was a reprieve to give people time to prepare and repent. If you haven’t done both the last two years, you’re a fool. Sorry, I call ’em like I see ’em. Wait, I’m not sorry.
  3. I go to sleep every night asking the Lord to have mercy on me and to forgive me for any sins I may have done that day. I wake up every morning thanking God for the day and asking Him to bless the day. Even and especially when I don’t feel like it. Whatever problems you may have, God is not the source of it. It’s either you or Satan, or both. Blame God for nothing, thank Him for everything.
  4. Realize that there are things you can control, and things you cannot. Be aware of both, but don’t spend time going nuts over things you can’t change. Focus on the ones you can. If you can’t handle learning about how the world really works, then focus on your part of it and continue to ask God to help you with the rest.

I love history, science, technology, and so much more. Things of this world though, are not more important than your eternal soul, and they shouldn’t be. That doesn’t mean you stick your head in the sand however, and hope it all gets better. The only thing that’s going to make the world better is when Jesus comes riding back into town to take care of business. I have 110% faith in that eventual reality.

Without faith I’d go crazy. Which, incidentally, is where the world is going at warp speed. Coincidence? I think not.

Chris Tome