Guess you’ve been wondering about our latest “adventure…” It was a bit “under the radar” and for good reason. It was our first invitation to this international conference – one held just every three yearsto, again, (Thank you, Lord!) be a voice for the children.

It was an “again” for us but a “first” for them – prayer and mission ministries focused on Unreached People Groups – who heard God’s question, “What about the children?” and made room for a breakout session on children and prayer!

It was also a “first” for Mary as she not only spoke briefly in a plenary session and partnered with a number of others in the breakout session but participated in the on-site prayer team. It was a busy week!

While there, it was announced that two of the Frontier People Groups (the least of the UPG) featured in the Pray for the 31 – Prayer Journal are no longer considered to be Frontier People Groups as more believers have been found among them!! Glory to God! We PRAYMORE and the majority of those in attendance were those who are the DOMORE ones…laying their lives and those of their families, in many cases, on the line for the sake of the lost. What a privilege to have been among them and to encourage them to recognize, equip, release and partner with all the children and young people in the cities and nations God has given to them.

“THANK YOU!” for your partnership – in praying, encouraging and giving! We believe this assignment was the one most covered in prayer of any we have had!