ENI/WSC participated in two prayer events last week – one international and one national – both InterGenerational! Yes, leadership is “getting it” – include the children and youth. Thank you, Lord!

Intercessory Prayer Ministry International (Brother Newton Gabbidon) invited us to participate in the Global Leaders Prayer event in Brooklyn, NY last Monday. Rev. Jody Wood of NYC Intercessors invited children from several local churches to participate and lead the gathering in prayer for several minutes. Esther and I were asked to co-author an article on the importance of including children and youth in would-be “corporate” prayer gatherings. That article, “The Great Omission” was one of several featured in the Prayer Global magazine published specifically for the Global Leaders Prayer Event. Read it on our web page.


Next assignment was the National Prayer Assembly in Alexandria, VA. Two days of strategic, yes, InterGenerational, intercession from the 16th floor of a hotel overlooking Washington, D.C.! Children were official participants along with young people, millennials and adults of every age. Our World Shapers Club monthly prayer calendar was shared with many and we hope to be adding more World Shapers very soon.  Prayer for our nation was intense!