World Shapers Club September 2019 Prayer Calendar
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Click/Tap HERE or the Image to Download a PDF of this Calendar!
CHURCH, TAKE YOUR JOY SERIOUSLY! IT'S-A POWERFUL WEAPON AGAINST YOUR END-TIME ENEMIES My message is to all believers, however, I feel strongly nudged by the Holy Spirit to address it to the Church – the ones who are “gathering together.“ If you are a Pastor, please heed it. If you are not a Pastor, please [...]
While reading John’s Gospel in preparation for our April Family Prayer Day at Appalachian House of Prayer here in Boone, NC, I was taken by how much was shared by Jesus with the Disciples (and others) in the few short days between His triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His death on the cross. I had [...]
Hello World Shapers, it’s just a few days from Easter, the most glorious celebration of the year! As I thought about what to write this month, I remembered what we taught at Vacation Bible School one year. I share it with you here: Love Eternal The Light of the World had finally come! Jesus performed [...]
Just a few glances of what it looks like...FABULOUS! For more than two years now, Family Prayer Day at Appalachian House of Prayer in Boone, NC has been my favorite prayer set. Pray-ers from the ages of 2 to...well, you get the picture...gather the first Saturday of every month. God's children of numerous ages eagerly [...]
Here are some very recent answers to prayer from our Pakistani “Shapers:” 1. A TV “dead” and needing a new LCD was “resurrected” when the Pastor’s young daughter (unbeknownst to him) and her siblings prayed over it and asked God to fix it! 2. The Mother of a young boy approached our WSC Ambassador in [...]
Don't you just LOVE IT when a plan comes together? Especially when it's God's and not yours. Even better when it's a "SURPRISE!" Many of you are aware of the, now more than a year old, 24/7 National Children and Youth Prayer Call. This prayer teleconference, established by Maureen Bravo (Founder, the 24/7 National Strategic [...]
When God created you, He had ONLY YOU in mind. Now, that should make your day! In chapter 5, verse 26 of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians, He sums it all up in His ingenuous style of building up/admonishing, with this reassuring remark: "...we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of [...]
I'm thinking of the many Church sanctuaries, homes and houses of prayer where, in hushed tones, the "saints" have gathered (some for decades) to implore God to "visit", to "send" to "move" in their midst. Faith-full pray-ers. You and I both know a lot about this because we are/have been "one" of them. Nothing "bad" about [...]
Have you ever experienced or noticed the Spirit of Wisdom operating in your life? I have. Let me tell you in a simple way how to know that you have the Wisdom that is above all your understanding and experience. Wisdom is not simply knowledge. The Spirit of Wisdom is beyond that. You do not [...]