One of the first “happenings” at the National Prayer Assembly was an unexpected reunion. I had only been in the room a few minutes when a lovely lady sat down next to me. Realizing I knew her but wasn’t sure just how, I reached for her name tag while simultaneously exclaiming, “Cheryl Sacks!” It was both a joyful and purposeful meeting.

Cheryl and her husband, Hal, were chaperones for their daughter, Nicole, at the Global Consultation on World Evangelization (S. Korea ’95.) Nicole was one of our “40 Praying Children of GCOWE” and has written about her experience in Esther’s book, Let the Children Pray.  Cheryl and Hal’s Bridge Builders International ministry has been blessing Arizona, America and the nations for decades.

Cheryl, among many other giftings, is also an author. Her latest publication (Chosen Books) is The Prayer Saturated Family – InterGenerational, of course! Amazing to learn how we are still on the same page a quarter century later!

Cheryl has some exciting news coming up…still in the planning stages but gaining interest with major, national prayer ministries…and ENI is standing by ready to assist and disseminate when the time is right. Stay tuned as it will be a strong encouragement to families and prayer!

It was great being with you again, Cheryl! Continued prayers for you and yours.